Service Areas
From Clayton, NC to Chapel Hill, NC, we’re the contractors to go to for professional tree removal, tree trimming, as well as tree stump removal and grinding. Our specialists serve a wide area that includes Chapel Hill, Apex, Garner, Cary, Raleigh, Clayton, Mebane, Durham, Pittsboro, Wake Forest, Garner, Fuquay-Varina, and Louisburg, NC.
Anytime those in our service area require tree services of any kind, our professionals are ready to step in and assist. Whether you have a tree stump that has lingered for too long, a tree that is overgrown and requires tree pruning or trimming, or you have a tree that desperately needs to be removed, we can take care of it. As long as your property is in one of our service areas, you never have to worry about your trees again.
If you are near Raleigh, Durham, or any of our service areas, we invite you to get in touch with our professionals for tree services. There is no reason to delay getting your tree removed, stump removed, or tree trimmed, as our team is always willing to help. As soon as you notice an issue with a bush, stump, or tree on your property, please give Santos Brother Tree Services a call. We look forward to serving you!
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 903-2132